Partners of the bead mosaic arts
With so many tools and materials out there how do you know if they are all worth it. I have tried many products and sources over the years and am glad that I can help you forgo the hassle. Since we cannot distribute all the products you might want we have partnered with some really great businesses to help fill the gaps. The product partners featured here carry the products I use to create my works of art. These products and service providers are tried and true and I highly recommend them to help you be more creative without all the effort. Links to their product page are included and if you use the codes mentioned you will get discounts or bonuses that are exclusively for the bead mosaic community.

Need loose seed and bugle beads?
Garden of Beadin offers a huge supply of seed and bugle beads in various sizes and quantities. They offer the larger bulk quantities we need to create our mosaics. If you don't see it on the website just call them and ask. Discounts for our artists start at 10% off but increase rapidly with quantity and type.
Use Code "BEADMOSAIC" for your discount.